Nike vs Adidas


New Member
In the world of basketball, the major brands known as Nike and Adidas contend heavily for the currency that comes out of the wallet of buyers that play basketball. In your opinion, which is the better brand to buy based on factors such as style, design, comfort, and build quality?
Twenty years ago it was Nike #1 and Reebok was #2. Then there was everyone else that fought over the left over market shares. Now adidas is up there.

After years of running the dirt trails I am left with really bad shin splints. The only type of shoes that is make working out bearable is running shoes. Hitting the hardwood floors is proving to be difficult with flat footed basketball shoes. I still play basketball but It is on the outdorr courts and with running shoes which have a good rolling arch to the soles.
Between the two I definitely prefer Nike, though I admit part of that is style preference, but of course performance plays a role in the choice as well. Adidas is up there, much more than it used to be, but I don't know that it can really claim to be on the same level as Nike.
I go for Adidas for sentimental reasons. :-) It is also more durable and comfortable for me. It has a wider toebox that enables my toes to move freely especially when I am running or walking briskly. Since I can have heel pain after a run and/or brisk walk, Adidas gives me more stability since it has a model that gives more stability to the heels.
No real preference really. I have played with all kinds of sneakers made by a variety of different companies with no real difference in my game.
I most definitely prefer Nike over Adidas. I got one of the DRose Adi's and they had horrible grip, terrible support and perpetually broke. That was the last pair of Adidas I ever played in, to say the least.
I don't have a particular like for either. But I will say from what I've seen, Nike is still the #1 spot in sneakers. Don't get me wrong, Adidas is competing with them at a high level. But they're still the number 2 brand in terms of basketball shoes. Adidas methodically took the #2 spot from Reebok the moment Adidas grabbed Kobe Bryant for their brand.
I had Derrick Roses' first shoe and let me tell you, that was an extremely low quality shoe to hoop in. It fell apart after not even one season of play. The shoe was uncomfortable and was not very supportive. That experience left me with a sour taste in my mouth towards Adidas. So, it is Nike all day.
I have tried both kinds, and it seems that I always come back to Nike. They just feel more comfortable and I think the design of most Nike shoes are better and more attractive than Adidas.
I have a slight preference for Nike on this one. I find their shoes to be really comfortable, especially when I'm running or doing a heavy workout. Then again, all my sporting gear is Nike so I'm probably biased.:)
Nike is the best seller hands down. They have a better variety of shoes than Adidas overall. You can even customize them on their website. I have never bought a Nike shoe that I did not like. For example, hyperdunks, hyperfuses, and CP3's. Generally, Nike provides better products.
Adidas and Nike are really good for sports. From my own preference, I will go for Nike because it has such comfort when you wear them either for running or doing some heavy workouts.
No real preference really. I have played with all kinds of sneakers made by a variety of different companies with no real difference in my game.
This is just so me. I don't look at brand when I'm interested in buying sneakers. It's why I'm even looking at buying a custom made sneakers now. Quality is what's very important to me.