What's with the t-shirts?


Hey guys, I've been watching NBA games since I was still in grade school. I grew up watching them playing in jerseys. But now, I see players being required to use sleeved jerseys. What's with this new NBA rule? What's it's rationale? Do you dig sleeved jerseys? Is this the future of the NBA? Is this the big change that they were talking about?

They are trying to market the shirts to the average fan for merchandise sells. The NBA figures that people would be more willing to wear a shirt than a jersey, but to me, they look pretty awful on players. Some (Lebron) feels that it messes with their shot, so they might go out the window soon.
I think Adam Silver said that he'd kill the shirts if it was universally disliked by the players. I honestly don't know why they added it in the first place. Additional merchandise sales? There are a lot of players complaining about how it affects their shot though, and that if they're going to have to wear shirts when they play then they should make them adjusted to their size.
I really don't like it at all. If I am not mistaken the Warriors were the first ones to do this, I think they did it for one or two games last year. I hope this is a trend that doesn't catch on.
I think Adam Silver said that he'd kill the shirts if it was universally disliked by the players. I honestly don't know why they added it in the first place. Additional merchandise sales? There are a lot of players complaining about how it affects their shot though, and that if they're going to have to wear shirts when they play then they should make them adjusted to their size.
I think Lebron expressed his dislike of the shirts in a loss to the Spurs this year. I think he said that it affects his shooting. I think it's true because of the sleeves. Also, the sleeved jerseys make the players look like old high school or grade school students playing ball. It doesn't fit the league well.
In this instance, I think it is just Adidas trying to increase their profile amongst basketball fans. Nike has dominated the basketball scene for so long..this is Adidas' attempt to gain relevance. I mean, a 26% percent lighter shirt is irrelevant to actual in-game performance...
Yeah I think they are just doing it for marketing purposes and I don't think that these new shirts will last because a lot of the players are actually complaining about how it is affecting their shot. I guess it is because so many of the players are accustomed to playing in a jersey that the new shirts just feel and look weird. Personally I don't like to see them and a lot of other people really don't like to see them as well.
Unfortunately that is what the sport is becoming. It is no longer about the game of basketball, it is just a business now. Whatever the NBA can do to make more money they will do it, and unfortunately that takes away from the actual sport.