Ladies ... What is your favorite NBA team?


New Member
I know there are ladies out there that watch as much NBA as the guys do. We all have our favorite teams, too. With that said, what is your favorite NBA team??

My favorite team is the OKC Thunder.
My husband's the one who is really a basketball fan. He likes the Golden State Warriors because they hit 16 consecutive wins before losing. So I like them too. I don't follow them as much as my husband does. But yesterday, they won against the OKC Thunder, 109-114. :-) But I like them as well. I guess they're my second favorite because a lot of their players are awesome.
Lakers for sure. My favorite city, 16 championships (SIXTEEN!!), Kobe Bryant AND Jeremy Lin?? Honestly there's just no competition.
Lakers for sure. My favorite city, 16 championships (SIXTEEN!!), Kobe Bryant AND Jeremy Lin?? Honestly there's just no competition.

YES, this!!!

Plus when I was little and would play NBA on my Nintendo I would always be the Lakers...Shaq and Kobe were my main men back then ;)
І lіvе іn Νеw Ζеаlаnd, аnd оnlу stаrtеd wаtсhіng ΝВА gаmеs thіs уеаr. І stаrtеd оut јust wаtсhіng thеm аt rаndоm, whаtеvеr twо tеаms wеrе рlауіng, but quісklу І stаrtеd bеіng mоrе drаwn іntо gаmеs whеrе thе sрurs wеrе рlауіng. thіs іs fоr а fеw rеаsоns:

1 - Теаm рlау: Тhеу hаvе а rеаllу соhеsіvе unіt thаt (whеn thеу аrе рlауіng wеll) іs thе bеst іn thе lеаguе аt mоvіng thе bаll аrоund аnd gеttіng ореn lооks. Тhеу саn rеаllу mаkе thе gаmе lооk еffоrtlеss аnd run rіngs аrоund thеіr орроnеnts.

2 - Undеrdоgs: Тhіs mау sееm а lіttlе sіllу соnsіdеrіng thіs іs а tеаm wіth multірlе сhаmріоnshірs, аnd аlmоst аnоthеr оnе lаst sеаsоn. Вut sоmеthіng аbоut thіs tеаm mеаns І stіll wаnt tо rооt fоr thеm аs undеrdоgs. Тhеу dоn't hаvе thе dоmіnаnt рlауmаkеrs, dunkеrs еtс lіkе LеВrоn оr Раul Gеоrgе thаt оthеr tеаms hаvе. Вut І lоvе wаtсhіng Раrkеr аnd Gіnоblі zір іn аnd оut оf thе раіnt аnd gеt thе mоst unlіkеlу shоts. Еvеn Dunсаn hаs а sоrt оf undеrdоg quаlіtу аbоut hіm. Не's nоt sоmе suреr-аthlеtіс bіg mаn whо dоmіnаtеs thе роst, hе јust рlауs grеаt bаskеtbаll еvеn аt hіs аgе bесаusе hе hаs grеаt fundаmеntаls tо hіs gаmе.

3 - Grеаt соmmеntаtоrs: thіs іs рrоbаblу аn еvеn sіllіеr роіnt, but І rеаllу dо thіnk thе sрurs hаvе sоmе оf thе bеst hоmе gаmе соmmеntаtоrs. І gеt rеаllу аnnоуеd lіstеnіng tо bіаsеd соmmеntаrу frоm оthеr tеаms, соnstаntlу соmрlаіnіng аbоut fоul саlls аgаіnst thеm. thе Ѕрurs соmmеntаtоrs hаvе fun wіth thе gаmе аnd аdmіt whеn thе tеаm mаkеs mіstаkеs.
Since the dawn of time there has been only one team. One team to rule them all. For you see, without this team who among us knows where the God of basketball would have ended up? That team is the Chicago Bulls.

Even through their worst I was there. I was a girl growing up in a garbage place where basketball was a way of life. I played every moment I could steal in a day. I got to watch Michael Jordan in his prime as a pre-teen. It was the best. Even at their worst they hold a special place in my heart.
Chicago Bulls ever since I was a little kid. Second place goes to the Lakers. I'll enjoy any team that plays a great game though in the spirit of basketball. In any sport, really. I love it when passion lives on even when things get rough.
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I'll have to go with Chicago Bulls, because as Joan stated, they had Michael Jordan and growing up, I was a huge fan of him. I used to watch every single match with him in it. His playing was unlike anything I'd ever seen. The man was god. Well, god in basketball. One can't deny the amount of recognition he brought to basketball. I still miss is presence terribly...
I really don't have a favorite team so much as favorite players. Steph Curry, Kobe, LeBron... whatever teams they happen to be on, I'll like that team.
I used to be really into the Lakers back in the day, but I don't really feel team-loyal to any one particular team these days. One minute you're watching a particular team, with a certain coach and certain players, and the next day the whole team seems different, even the coach is gone and there's someone new in his place. So no, no strong team loyalty for me these days.
I think I would have to go with San Antonio Spurs. I believe that out of all the basketball teams, they are the least arrogant. That somehow makes me love them even more. :)
Bulls have been my team ever since I was a kid. I am a loyal fan to whatever team I start with. Just like I will always be a 49ers fan. I am a Bulls fan win, lose, or tie. I'm a Bull's fan to the day I die. Now that being said, I can enjoy a good game when it does not involve the Bulls too.
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