James Harden Worth The Cost?


New Member
Is James Harden worth his hit on the salary cap? I know I play on Fanduel and he was costing me the last time I played him 11500. My question is, is he consistent enough that you can play him on a regular basis or should I start to look for different players to start?
I would have to throw the question back to you: how much do you trust Harden's abilities? We each place a different value on different players. At the end of the day, however, those figures don't add up. All I can say is that Harden works very hard in every game. If he isn't the star, he is the ultimate support. My father ships him so bad. To many people, he's definitely worth it.
He is definetely worth the cost, He currently in the running for the mvp trophy, as compared to last year, he has definetely sharpened up his defense and offensively he as much of a threat as some of the greatest scorers this league has seen in quite some time. I think its safe to say youre in good hands
Unless you know he's going up against a horrible match-up, (like a Memphis) Harden should be a play you consider every night. Dude is just putting up monster numbers and is probably the best stat stuffer in the NBA right now. He's as reliable a 30pt scorer as there is in the NBA and even if he falters a bit on his PPG, he's going to get 5-6 Assists and 5-6 rebounds. He'll also sneak in a couple steals on the night.

Always keep him in mind for your fanduel plays if you want to compete in larger leagues especially.
Yes, I think James Harden is well worth the cost. The evaluation wasn't wrong because he has been good over and over again to put him in the right figure for the amount being talked about in 2015.