Favorite basketball movie?!

Michael Iwata

New Member
This is a tough one for me. There is such a wide variety of movies out there about basketball that are very good. For example a classic that I love is "Space Jam" with MJ. Another great basketball move is "Like Mike." The story lines for both are different but all involve basketball and important players such as Michael Jordan. What's your favorite basketball inspired movie?
First of all, I am thoroughly surprised that no one has replied to this thread. Yes, I am still excited about joining the forum, but this is actually a nice topic.

I definitely agree with everything you mentioned, Michael. I honestly can't give you a favorite, because I love a handful of them. If I had to attempt, it would be a toss-up between 4 movies, but I have them paired in 2 groups, due to large time gaps between them. To start, the first 2, which I would identify with my younger years are "Space Jam" and "Like Mike". The last 2 movies are "Coach Carter" and "Hurricane Season", which came during my teenage years. I definitely fell in love with the first two as a child. To this day, I still enjoy catching them on TV, which they both still play every now and then. I feel in love with last two due to the fact that they were both based on true stories. In both movies, there are obstacles and challenges that are present, which are ultimately overcame and inevitably emphasizes a strong, underlining message. As a young woman, these last two movies spoke in more than one volume, which made it more enjoyable for me.
Love and Basketball, Space Jam and Coach Carter are my all-time favorite basketball movies ever made. Love and Basketball is relatable and has a great charm to it, depicting two lovers feverishly going after the same dream while battling circumstances in between. I love how it shows the passion that players have for basketball. Space Jam was a cool boyhood favorite of mine and memories come right back that are attached to that film. And Coach Carter is an immensely deep movie and just like Love and Basketball, the odds are stacked against those with dreams of making it big. Overall, all three are great and I've always enjoyed them.
I'm surprised you didn't get more responses to this one, there are a few really great basketball movies. This is more for nostalgic reasons and a childhood throwback of sorts, but I still have a lot of love for Space Jam :). The first basketball movie I ever enjoyed, lighthearted but as you mentioned, still a good one.
I am a sap for a love story so I really enjoyed Love and Basketball. Coach Carter was also a great movie. It is good to see young kids defy the odds and become successful at something so great.
Blue Chips. Best basketball movie ever. Nick Nolte was great in it. Great ending and really gave you a glimpse into what life is like for star athletes coming out of high school. And how important it is for educators to treat these kids as students and not superstars.
'The 6th Man' was another great movie. Tugs on the heart strings but at the same time it had Marlon Wayans in it so it was hilarious at times.
This is certainly a tough question. Like Mike was definitely my favorite whenever I was younger, but nowadays it is either Coach Carter or Hoosiers. All of them are classics in my mind, though.
Come on you guys, really??? White Men Can't Jump. Hands down greatest next to He Got Game. Above The Rim is a close third & I give props to Basketball Diaries for having an edge.
My favorite basketball movie is Like Mike and Thunderstruck. These are my favorite movies because they tell a story of average kids having the talents of basketball players, and how they become popular and dominate the game of basketball. It is my favorite because I want to experience this too; being able to acquire the talents of great players and applying them in real games and be able to be the leader of a team. These movies also tell great lessons and values about being humble and not get fame to your head which will make you a terrible person.
Even if I sound too mainstream saying this, I would still answer Space Jam. That was a classic! In fact, several NBA rookies were influenced by the movie and said it was one of the reasons why they chose to play basketball. Ask Zach Lavine, the recent All-star Dunk champion. He'd tell you Space Jam without batting his lashes.
This is a tough one. If I had to make a top five of favorite basketball movies, it would have to be(in any order at all): Space Jam, Like Mike, Hoosiers, Coach Carter and White Men Can't Jump. All equally good movies in their own ways.
Space Jam, so many memories of being a kid and seeing Michael Jordan and cartoons combined in one awesome package. I was amazed and kept asking my parents questions.
White Men Can't Jump was my favourite. Like Mike, Hoosiers, Above The Rim and many others. There are so many of them movies about basketball out there that are equally good in their own ways.
My favorite isn't a movie but a TV show. It's Survivor’s Remorse that's my favourite basketball show that I enjoyed very well.

The drama-comedy was produced by LeBron James. The plot was focused on a young basketball star dealing with sudden fame, fortune, and family.
I haven't seen a lot of basketball movies but the ones which I have watched that I enjoyed so much uh the following ;

1. Glory Road (2006)
2. The Way Back (2020)
3. Space Jam (1996)
I haven't seen a lot of basketball movies but the ones which I have watched that I enjoyed so much uh the following ;

1. Glory Road (2006)
2. The Way Back (2020)
3. Space Jam (1996)
There are many basketball movies, it depends on the one you finds out. I haven't watched these ones. This is a good movie recommendation for me to check out.
The First Slam Dunk is my favourite basketball movie. It was very popular in 2022 when it came out. The movie was directed by Takehiko Inoue.