Ever had a dream?


New Member
Did you ever have a dream of one day playing college ball, or even though about making it to the pros? When I was in high school, I had foolish dreams like that, but now that I have grown up, I can see that there was no way that I would have ever made it to college, not with the status I held. I was a pretty good player, and still am, but I had almost zero opportunity when I was growing up. As a result, my talents rotted and my skills waster. I wonder if there are any guys out there with a dream of playing professional. Share your experiences.
It's good to have dreams but they have to be realistic. If I was a white guy living in the States I would not be dreaming of becoming a famous ball player. But if you want something bad enough you can get it, and it all starts with a dream no matter who you are.
There's nothing wrong with having big dreams like that. I dream big all the time, I might not reach all my dreams but at least i know I tried. The worst thing would be knowing you didn't try hard enough.