2013 Wesley Matthews Coat Drive


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On November 4th, Trail Blazers guard Wesley Matthews joined a small group of youth from the Portland Metropolitan Boys and Girls Club at the Gateway Fred Meyer to talk about the need in the community for warm winter coats. It’s part of Wesley’s fourth season partnership with Fred Meyer to host a coat drive, benefiting Boys & Girls Clubs of Portland Metropolitan Area. Following Wesley’s talk about the need for coats in the community, Wesley let each of the boys and girls pick out one coat to donate as well as a new winter coat for themselves.
“I’m really looking forward to continuing the tradition of providing warm coats for youth in Portland,” said Matthews. “With Fred Meyer as a partner, this has become an incredibly successful annual event thanks to the generosity of this community.”
Over the past three years, Matthews and Fred Meyer have collected more than 2,500 coats for local youth and their families.
All Portland Metro-area Fred Meyer locations will accept new and gently used coats from Oct. 30-Nov. 17. In addition, fans are encouraged to donate coats at the Moda Center on Friday, Nov. 8 as Portland hosts Sacramento. Coats can be dropped off during ingress.