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  1. xTinx

    Do You Exercise?

    I do exercise but not on a regular basis. Although I am usually a total sloth when it comes to fitness, seeing how people's lifespans have declined over the years, I feel the need to exercise at least two to three hours a week. If it's not all-out exercise, I do zumba (with the aid of a video...
  2. xTinx

    Favourite Old TV Series?

    Ditto! I used to be a huge Xena fan too. Lucy Lawless was so great in this series. I must have watched the show for 10 years before it completely went off-air. Another favorite of mine was Hercules with Kevin Sorbo as the titular character. Buffy and Angel used to be my favorites too but down...
  3. xTinx

    What Type of Fan is Worse

    I can't stand either type of fan. They're both insufferable and immature. If they continue to act like that, they will surely end up with psychological problems. They might as well quit the fandom and go to a psychiatrist. Can't they just be normal fans, take their favorite team's strengths and...
  4. xTinx

    High Schoolers Entering the Draft

    This one concerned me too. Before I get to that point, allow me to say: how can you guys forget to mention Zach LaVine from the Minnesota Timberwolves? I know he's still a rookie and doesn't have much of a reputation yet, but at the recent All Stars, he was hailed the second youngest Slam Dunk...
  5. xTinx

    Are Jordans worth the cost?

    If I'm solvent enough, of course I won't mind buying a few pairs of Jordan sneakers. We all have different concepts of what's valuable and more often than not, it's just a question of whether or not you can afford to buy something. People who have more money would undoubtedly find Jordan's worth...
  6. xTinx

    Does a Championship Define a Players Greatness?

    Even if critics hail a player as the "greatest of all time," it does leave a sour taste in the mouth when there isn't a championship to his name. How can a player be so great if he hasn't even led his team to the ultimate victory? What does that make Allen Iverson? Karl Malone? Despite...
  7. xTinx

    James Harden Worth The Cost?

    I would have to throw the question back to you: how much do you trust Harden's abilities? We each place a different value on different players. At the end of the day, however, those figures don't add up. All I can say is that Harden works very hard in every game. If he isn't the star, he is the...
  8. xTinx

    Durant or Westbrook?

    I personally like both of them and it's not fair to compare earth to air. There are times when Durant is in great form and Westbrook isn't, Sometimes, it's also the other way around. Westbrook shines while Durant supports him from behind due to injury or some other physical or psychological...
  9. xTinx

    Favorite basketball movie?!

    Even if I sound too mainstream saying this, I would still answer Space Jam. That was a classic! In fact, several NBA rookies were influenced by the movie and said it was one of the reasons why they chose to play basketball. Ask Zach Lavine, the recent All-star Dunk champion. He'd tell you Space...
  10. xTinx

    Oklahoma Thunders all the way

    Hey, guys! I've been a basketball fan for as long as I can remember. What really hooked me to basketball was the LA Lakers vs Philadelphia 76ers game early in the 21st century, when Allen Iverson was still at the peak of his career. After he faded out of view, I shifted my attention to the...