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  1. BadgerSquadron3

    Anyone watch WNBA?

    It's a bit slower paced and you aren't going to see high flying acrobatics. Their shooting is really good though. I wouldn't be opposed to going to some WNBA games if they had them in my city. I hear you get the tickets for free! :D (NBA loses a lot of money through the WNBA).
  2. BadgerSquadron3

    Favorite non sports game?

    While I do like playing Call of Duty, lately I have been playing mostly co-op based shooters and RPGs. I'm still stuck on the Left 4 Deads and Borderlands. I'm looking really forward to the new systems though, because I could use some nice new exclusives.
  3. BadgerSquadron3

    Who is your team?

    Hey everyone. The season is only 86 days away, so I figured this would be a good time to bring up who we are rooting for this season. This way we can root out all the bandwagon fans when our team makes it to the playoffs. I myself am a Cavs fan. I feel like our squad is going to be pretty good...